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Change with Foreigners

Global recruitment

United World

Approaching new job-changers

Our service

United World is a service that introduces talented foreign nationals and bilingual Japanese people to companies.

for example··

Introduce candidates selected from all over the world using our own network.

A housewife working at a call center

IT engineers suffering from depression

Accounting staff with disabilities

Retired cleaners

Those who have experience starting a business and failing or selling it

Caregivers for people with ADHD

Former actor/professional athlete salesperson

Interpreters and translators for returnees

LGBT drivers

We are currently having client meetings using telephone/web tools, etc.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to receive a trial introduction.

Reasons to use United World

United World 's strengths and benefits


Your best partner in recruiting

Group of Asians waiting for an interview

After a meeting to hear the recruitment background and the desired person you are looking for, we will select and introduce excellent candidates who meet the requirements. As your PR, we inform the candidates of attracting points of the company and position, and carefully select the best candidates who meets the requirements, so you can prevent mismatches for hiring, and reduce the time and labor costs for your recruitment.


Introducing global talents from all over the world

Different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences are not negative but rather advantages and weapons. DiverisyJob regards different experiences as assets and introduces job seekers with experiences different from the general public.

        MBA, master's degree, or Ph.D. holders

        International students from prestigious national universities

        Bilingual Japanese with experience of working overseas

        Trilinguals who understand both of their country and Japan

        Award-winning engineers at competitions such as hackathons

We introduce excellent people from all over the world, regardless of nationality.


Various occupations and industries

We are able to introduce candidates for various jobs, with more than 100 types of occupations and more than 50 types of industries.

List of occupations

Corporate Sales / Overseas Sales / Business Development / Marketing / Consultants / Procurement / Business Development / Corporate Planning / Public Relations / Translation / Interpretation / Legal Affairs / Administrative / Human Resources / Accounting / Project Manager / Machine Learning Engineer / Server Side Engineer / Front End Engineer / Infrastructure Engineer / Markup Engineer / Bridge Engineer / R & D / Full Stack Engineer / Mechanical Design Engineer / Electrical Design Engineer / Designer / iOS Engineer / Android Engineer / Web Direction / CTO / Tech Lead / Test / Support Engineer / Data Scientist / Product Manager etc .....


Various occupations and industries

Interview shooting

Every company has its own unique recruitment strategy and is working hard to retain employees. Let us promote those efforts. Rather than just conveying the superficial details of the job offer, we will convey to our guests the efforts and efforts to accept and utilize the diverse human resources and work styles that are unique to your company. We believe that people who join the company with a deep understanding of the company will be the most likely to retain employees.

What is diversity recruitment and management?

What is diversity recruitment and management?

As the labor force shortage problem becomes more serious in recent years, diversity recruitment and management, which makes use of the differences in various attributes and maximizes the capabilities of each individual employee, is recognized as a recruitment and management strategy that increases the productivity and competitiveness of an organization from the perspective of securing human resources.

Benefits of Diversity Hiring and Management1

By promoting the hiring of a diverse range of people, such as women raising children, people caring for family members, foreigners, and the elderly, it will be possible to secure talented personnel who would not have been hired in the past. Also, by creating diversity in work styles, we can expect to see increased motivation and a lower turnover rate.

Benefits of Diversity Hiring and Management2

Diverse human resources generate ideas and concepts that cannot be obtained in a homogenous organization, making it easier to generate innovation. It also enables flexible response to diversifying consumer needs.
Furthermore, improving the corporate image as a company that accepts diversity and creates new value will lead to increased employee and customer satisfaction.

Benefit3 of diversity management


Our successful maths cases in the past

People who have been hired so far

  full-time employee  


Introduced an Australian gentleman for overseas sales to local companies to further expand their market share overseas

A job seeker who was highly educated but had a job offer rescinded because he was transgender. We explained the business to the companies in advance, and the job seeker applied to a company that could fully understand the situation, which resulted in the job being hired.

Concentrated work

Recruitment Information




Overseas sales





  full-time employee  

Foreign nationality

Introduced an Australian gentleman for overseas sales to local companies to further expand their market share overseas

The nursing care industry is chronically short of manpower. Not only were there not many Japanese applicants, but they also looked to foreign nationals, which resulted in the hiring of a Vietnamese person. Due to that person's earnest work ethic, four more Vietnamese people were subsequently hired.

Patients and caregivers

Recruitment Information




Overseas sales





  full-time employee  

Former professional baseball player

Introduced an Australian gentleman for overseas sales to local companies to further expand their market share overseas

A retired professional baseball player who registered with DiverisityNexus to pursue a second career. The politeness he developed in baseball and the hard work he has put in have been recognized, and he has been hired as a salesperson at a major general trading company.

Baseball pitcher

Recruitment Information




Overseas sales





  full-time employee  

senior citizen

Introduced an Australian gentleman for overseas sales to local companies to further expand their market share overseas


Middle-aged man smiling

Recruitment Information




Overseas sales





・ Flow to introduce candidates

The process from introducing talent to joining the company

Step 01


Step 02


Step 03


Step 04


Step 05

Recruitment & Joining


Q Where do most candidates live?
Most of the candidates living in Japan are in the Kanto area. If you also target candidates living overseas, we are also able to introduce those candidates.
Q Where do candidates mostly would like to work?
Many of them usually would like to work in the Kanto area, but we also introduce people who want to work in rural areas. Some people want to work overseas, so we will also introduce them overseas.
Q How long does it take to hire a candidate from using the service?
The average is within a month or two months from starting to use the service.
Q To what kind of companies does United World usually introduce candidates?
Regardless of the size of the company, mainly Japanese companies, in a wide range of industries such as IT, AI, games, construction, pharmaceuticals/pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, biotechnology, chemistry, finance, consulting, trading companies, distribution, media energy infrastructure, service industry, etc.
Q Is there any support to change candidates' visas?
There is. If the candidate needs to apply for or switch visas, we will be happy to assist you.

Please feel free to contact us about the service 

We are currently having client meetings using telephone/web tools, etc.

Please feel free to contact us.

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