特徴1 親身なサポート
特徴2 優秀な登録者
特徴3 英語の求人作成
特徴4 ビザのサポート
1. お問い合わせ
2. ヒアリング
3. 求人票作成
4. 候補者のご紹介
5. 内定
Webシステム開発からWeb制作、UIUXデザイン、Webマーケティング、コンサルティングやグロースハックなどを通じてクライアント企業のDXを多面的に支援されています。Webサービス開発においては、ミッションクリティカルな大規模スクラッチ開発から、SaaSを利用したスピーディな構築、SaaS同士の連携まで広くアジャイル開発で対応されております。 また、日本でまだ確立されていないUIUX領域に積極的で、デザインチームの拡大や、ブランディング事業への挑戦、Hubspotなどのグローバルプラットフォームでプラチナパートナーに認定されるなど、これから拡大を目指されているベンチャー企業様です。
東京都orセブ島 | 正社員 | 500〜800万円
“English translation will follow after Japanese”
SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals:持続可能な開発目標)に関わる領域や自治体の地方創生事業、経産省など官公庁が関わる事業、さらに教育や医療など公共性や社会的責任が高い業種の案件に積極的に取り組まれていることも特徴の1つで、Great Place to Work® Institute Japan(GPTW)が選出する2022年版「働きがいのある会社」ランキングベスト100に選出されておられます。
- DB、アプリケーションの設計
- インフラの設計、構築
・フィリピン側への指示書の作成 or 翻訳
- ソースコードレビュー
・IaC(Infrastructure as Code)を用いたコード管理経験
AWS(ECS Fargate)
雇用形態 :正社員
試用期間 :6ヵ月間
想定年収 :500〜800万円
勤務地 :東京都(フィリピンセブ島でも可)
勤務時間 :フレックスタイム制(コアタイム11:00~15:00)、リモートワーク可(週1出社目安)
休日 :完全週休2日(土・日)、祝祭日
休暇 :夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、その他の休暇有
福利厚生 :社会保険完備、通勤手当(会社規定に沿う)、その他福利厚生有
面接回数(流れ):2回 書類選考→1次面接(CTO) →2次面接(海外事業責任)→最終面接orオファー面談
(2次面接内でコーディングテスト実施予定 15分で3問)
[Company Profile]
The company provides multifaceted support for their clients' DX through web system development, web production, UIUX design, web marketing, consulting, growth hacking, etc. In web service development, they use agile development to handle everything from mission-critical, large-scale scratch development to speedy construction using SaaS and SaaS-to-SaaS collaboration.
The company is also active in the UIUX area, which has not yet been established in Japan, and is expanding its design team, taking on the challenge of branding business, and has been certified as a platinum partner for global platforms such as Hubspot.
One of the characteristics of the company is that it is actively involved in projects in areas related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), regional development projects of local governments, projects involving public offices such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and projects in highly public and socially responsible industries such as education and healthcare. The Great Place to Work® Institute Japan (GPTW) has selected the company as one of the top 100 "Best Companies to Work for" in 2022.
[Background of recruitment]
They are looking for an additional staff due to the establishment of an offshore office in Cebu Island, Philippines.
[Attractive points of company/work]
The company is not just selling cheap offshore development, but is aiming to respect the culture and customs of the country in which it operates, and to conduct management that contributes to the development of that country.
They are looking forward to receiving applications from those who share this philosophy.
In fact, they are in the process of discussing support for the local poor and collaboration with a university, and they welcome those who are willing to be actively involved in social contribution projects as well.
Their first base of operations will be in the Philippines, but they plan to continue to increase the number of bases in Southeast Asia. If you are interested in expanding into new countries, please consider joining them.
◎They will work in combination with local social contribution activities.
◎You will have the opportunity to be involved in the development of not only one product, but also a variety of products and gain knowledge in a wide range of fields.
[Job description]
BrSE is involved in development in collaboration with an offshore base in the Philippines.
- Communication with clients, requirement definition
- System design
・ DB and application design
・Infrastructure design and construction
- Creation or translation of instructions to the Philippine side
- Task direction and management
- Progress management of development
- Primary review of development contents
・ Source code review
- Quality check and quality control of development deliverables
- Feedback to developers and periodic MTG
- Management of Philippine members
- Project resource management, quotation and invoicing
CTO will be in charge of technical support, so those who wish to improve their technical skills are also welcome to join them.
- Business level English (as meetings and text communication in English will be required)
- Japanese N2 or above
- Experience in design and development using MVC framework
- Experience in project management with a development period of at least 6 months
[Preferred requirements]
- Experience in development and design using Laravel
- Experience using Docker development environment
- Knowledge of infrastructure configuration using AWS
- Experience in code management using IaC (Infrastructure as Code)
- Understanding and experience of DevOps
- Experience in Agile development
- Experience in offshore management
[Development Environment]
PHP, laravel
AWS(ECS Fargate)
Employment Type: Permanent
Trial period: 6months
Estimated annual income: ¥5M - ¥8M
Work location: Tokyo, Japan (or Cebu Island, Philippines)
Working hours: Flextime system (core time 11:00-15:00), remote work possible (approx. 1 workday per week),
Standard working hours: 8 hours
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays
Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, birthday leave, and other vacations available
Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits
[About selection]
Number of applicants: a few
Documents required for application: resume, resume of work
Online interview: Available
Interview language: Japanese
Number of interviews (flow): 2times, Document screening → 1st interview (CTO) → 2nd interview (overseas business manager) → Final interview or offer interview
(Coding test will be conducted within the 2nd interview. 3 questions in 15 minutes)
Application for overseas residents: Available
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate