All for the best recruitment
1. Support with hospitality
We have a meeting, listen to what kind of people you need carefully, and introduce candidates. Since the market holds too many jobs and smaller numbers of job seekers now in Japan, we advise you on what kind of recruitment, interviews, conditions, and recruitment methods are good to attract good candidates.
2. Global talents from all over the world
We introduce talented people from all over the world. We introduce those who have studied at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Waseda, Keio, National Universities or top universities overseas, and who have a solid understanding of Japanese culture and knowledge from their home countries. There are many people who are fluent in Japanese and we introduce those who want to live in Japan for a long time.
3. Job description to attract many candidates
We make job descriptions while giving advice on what points look attractive to candidates. Companies often cannot notice what points candidates care about. For example, details about job tasks are necessary to attract candidates. We help companies make good job descriptions.
4. Support for the visa
There are a lot of concerns, especially if you hire foreign nationals for the first time. The major difference from Japanese recruitment is change of the visa.
We also support change of the visa
Service Flow
1. Receive an inquiry from you.
2. Meeting to hear what kind of candidates you look for.
3. Make a job description to reach out lots of candidates
4. Recommend
candidates to you and set up the interviews.
5. Provide the offer to the candidate.
Please register here before you apply to the job position.
#379 【アルゴリズムソリューション】Customer Success コンサルタント
東京| 正社員 | 600〜1,200万円
深層学習(Deep Learning)と日本語固有の自然言語処理技術(Natural Language Processing)等によるアルゴリズムで、
Customer Success コンサルタント を募集しています。
・松尾研究室出身者企業 × AIベンチャー上場企業での、幅広い機械学習への知見の取得
・松尾研究室出身者企業 × AIベンチャー上場企業での、幅広い機械学習への知見の取得