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【会社概要】 3次元地図技術を有する名古屋大学発ベンチャー企業様です。 自動運転向け3次元地図に関する研究開発業務を中心におこなっておられます。 2016年の設立以来、3次元地図や位置推定技術に磨きをかけておられ、3次元地図作成ソフトウェアの提供だけでなく、自社でさまざまなエリアのデータ計測、3次元地図作成を手がけられ、自動運転の実証実験などに活用されてきました。 自動運転市場以外にも、インフラ保守点検、カーナビ地図、公共測量、AR/VR等、幅広い市場への参入を行っておられます。




愛知| 正社員 | 400万円〜900万円


* English translation will follow after Japanese















要件に応じた自動運転システムを設計・開発し、シミュレータを用いた事前評価、 テストフィールドでのデータ収集や実車評価まで、Autowareを用いた実証実験全体を進めていきます。




・何らかのシステム開発経験 実務2年以上

・C, C++, Python3 のいずれか 実務1年以上









雇用形態 :正社員

試用期間 :2ヵ月間

想定年収 :400-900万円

勤務地  :名古屋

勤務時間 :フレックス(所定労働時間:8時間、休憩:60分)


休日   :完全週休2日(土・日)、祝祭日

休暇   :夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、その他の休暇有

残業時間 :平均10-20h/月

福利厚生 :社会保険完備、通勤手当(会社規定に沿う)、その他福利厚生有






面接回数(流れ):2回 カジュアル面談(ご希望の方)→書類選考→1次オンライン面接(チームリーダー、人事担当)→最終面接(役員)(対面を予定)→内定(オファー面談)




[Company Profile]

This is a Nagoya University venture company with 3D map technology.

They are mainly engaged in research and development work related to 3D maps for automated driving.

Since its establishment in 2016, the company has been refining its 3D mapping and location estimation technology, and in addition to providing 3D mapping software, it has been measuring data in various areas and creating 3D maps in-house, which have been used in demonstration tests for automated driving.

In addition to the automated driving market, they have entered a wide range of markets including infrastructure maintenance and inspection, car navigation maps, public surveying, and AR/VR.

[Background of recruitment]

Looking for new staff due to business expansion.

[Attractive points of company/work]

・You will be involved in the research and development of cutting-edge automated driving systems and projects in collaboration with universities and research institutes.

・They are planning to conduct PR through demonstration tests in the future, and you may be able to take charge of such a prominent job.

・They have a corporate culture where if you raise your hand, you will be actively entrusted with the responsibility.

(You can challenge what you want to do, such as running a project by yourself, and you can decide the direction of the company depending on your own actions.)

・They provide an environment where each individual has a lot of discretion, and because the company is in a growth phase, you will be able to provide value and change the structure of the industry through business development based on your own proposals.

[Job description]

You will work on the development and demonstration of their own open-source automatic driving software. 

You will design and develop automated driving systems according to requirements, conduct preliminary evaluations using simulators, collect data in test fields, and evaluate actual vehicles.

In addition, you will be responsible for system integration of their products, such as 3D maps, location estimation, and environmental recognition technology, in response to user requirements.


・N3 or higher level of Japanese proficiency

・At least 2 years of experience in some kind of system development

・C, C++, Python3, or more than 1 year of experience

・Knowledge of robotics and control.

[Preferred requirements]

・Experience in development and use of automated driving simulators

  - in system integration across software/hardware

  - in vehicle development and evaluation

  - in development of sensor drivers

  - participating in Robocon, Tsukuba Challenge, etc.


Employment Type: Permanent 

Trial period: 2 months

Estimated annual income: ¥4M - ¥9M

Work location: Nagoya

Working hours : Flexible (Prescribed working hours: 8 hours, break: 60 minutes)

Break time : 12:00-13:00 (60 minutes)

Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays

Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available

Overtime: Average 10-20h/month

Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits

[About selection]

Number of applicants: a few

Documents required for application: resume, resume of work

Online interview: Available

Interview language: Japanese

Number of interviews (flow): 2 times, Casual interview (if desired) → Document screening → 1st round online interview (team leader, HR manager) → Final interview (face-to-face scheduled) → Offer (offer interview)

Application for overseas residents: Unavailable

* May change depending on the situation of the candidate


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