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#1501【In-house inbound service】Full-stack engineer *No Japanese required

【会社概要】 2015年に創業した東京に本社を置く、訪日および在留外国人向けの生活インフラサービス企業です。 主な事業内容は以下です。 ・Wi-Fi事業 ・キャンピングカー事業 ・ライフメディアテック事業 ・メディア事業 ・チャットコンシェルジュ事業 ・コンサルティング事業等

#1501【In-house inbound service】Full-stack engineer *No Japanese required
#1501【In-house inbound service】Full-stack engineer *No Japanese required



東京 | 正社員 | ¥4M - ¥8M


“English translation will follow after Japanese”

























・フレームワーク:React Native, Vue.js, Nuxt.js


・インフラ:AWS, Google Clound Platform, Vercel

・ツール:Github, Docker







・React Nativeアプリの開発経験


・Google Cloud Platform/AWSの利用経験



雇用形態 :正社員

試用期間 :6ヵ月間

想定年収 :400-800万円

勤務地  :東京

勤務時間 :月-金10-19時

休日   :完全週休2日(土・日)、祝祭日

休暇   :夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、その他の休暇有

残業時間 :月30時間以内 (固定残業30時間)

福利厚生 :社会保険完備、通勤手当(会社規定に沿う)、その他福利厚生有






面接回数(流れ):2回 (事業部長との1次面接⇒代表との2次面接(1次と2次の間に業務関連の課題を挟む場合がある)




[Company Profile]

The company was founded in 2015 headquartered in Tokyo, and provides a basic infrastructure service for foreigners living in or visiting Japan.

Their main businesses are as follows

- Wi-Fi rental services

- Camping car rental services

- Life Media Tech services

- Media servises

- Chat Concierge services

- Consulting services, etc.

[Background of recruitment]

- Looking for new members due to business expansion.

[Attractive points of company/work]

- You will be working with multinational members in a global environment.

- In response to changes in the social environment and needs, the company focuses on providing customer support for various lifestyle services for foreign residents in Japan.

- The company is developing a multifaceted business that contributes to society by providing services that are essential to people's lives.

[Job description]

- You will be assigned to a team or project and will be involved in all aspects of product development, including development of new services, improvement of existing functions, usability improvement, performance improvement, and system reliability improvement.

- You will also promote team building throughout the company by developing the engineering organization.


- Development of new services and improvement of existing functions

- Operation and maintenance of services

- Developing the engineering organization

- Collaboration with product managers and designers and involvement in decision making

[Development environment]

- Frameworks: React Native, Vue.js, Nuxt.js

- Development Language: Typescript

- Infrastructure: AWS, Google Clound Platform, Vercel

- Tools: Github, Docker


- Web or mobile app (iOS/Android) development experience

- Experience in server or mobile app development and operation (any language)

- Basic knowledge of networks and databases

- Business level Japanese or English

[Preferred requirements]

- React Native app development experience

- Experience using PHP

- Experience with Google Cloud Platform/AWS

- Experience leading development as a Tech Lead


Employment Type: Permanent

Trial period: 6 months

Estimated annual income: ¥4~8 m

Work location: Tokyo

Working hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00

Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays

Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available

Overtime: Average 30hrs/month

Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits

[About selection]

Number of applicants: 1

Documents required for application: resume, resume of work

Online interview: Unavailable

Interview language: Japanese or English

Number of interviews (flow): 2 times (1st interview with business manager ⇒ 2nd interview with representative (work-related tasks may be given between the 1st and 2nd interviews))

Application for overseas residents: Available

* May change depending on the situation of the candidate


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