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3D データ活用ソリューションの基盤技術となる独自の超軽量 3D フォーマット技術の開発、及び関連ソフトウェアの開発・販売、ソリューションサービスの提供やコンサルティング事業を展開されています。 顧客は製造業の企業様が多く、製造業の DX (デジタルトランスフォーメーション) を 3D で実現するという気概で、生技 DX、工場 DX、サービス DX の 3分野の変革を実現するソリューション開発を推し進めておられます。




東京都(リモートワークあり) | 正社員 | ¥6M - ¥10M


“English translation will follow after Japanese”


3D データ活用ソリューションの基盤技術となる独自の超軽量 3D フォーマット技術の開発、及び関連ソフトウェアの開発・販売、ソリューションサービスの提供やコンサルティング事業を展開されています。

顧客は製造業の企業様が多く、製造業の DX (デジタルトランスフォーメーション) を 3D で実現するという気概で、生技 DX、工場 DX、サービス DX の 3分野の変革を実現するソリューション開発を推し進めておられます。







大手製造業の設計・生産技術部門で使われている Web ベースのPLMシステムに対し、当社のシステム製品を組み込んで動かすための機能拡張開発を担当していただきます。







・OS:RedHat Linux、Windows10


・JavaEE Server:TomEE

・HTTP Server;Apache

・開発言語:Java、Visual C++










雇用形態 :正社員

試用期間 :3ヵ月間

想定年収 :600〜1000万円

勤務地  :東京 (目安週3-4日リモートワーク)

勤務時間 :フレックスタイム制(コアタイム:10:00-15:00、フレキシブルタイム:7:00-22:00)

休日   :完全週休2日(土・日)、祝祭日

休暇   :夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、その他の休暇有

残業時間 :平均30時間未満/月

福利厚生 :社会保険完備、通勤手当(会社規定に沿う)、その他福利厚生有






面接回数(流れ):3回 書類選考⇒1次面接(現場リーダー、現場社員)⇒適性検査(SPI)⇒2次面接(本部長、人事)⇒最終面接(代表取締役)⇒内定




[Company Profile]

The company develops original ultra-lightweight 3D format technology, which is the basic technology for 3D data utilization solutions, develops and sells related software, and provides solution services and consulting business.

The company develops and sells its own ultra-lightweight 3D format technology and related software, provides solution services, and offers consulting services. Many of its customers are in the manufacturing industry, and with the spirit of realizing the DX (digital transformation) of the manufacturing industry with 3D, the company is developing solutions to achieve transformation in the three areas of DX for production engineering, DX for factories, and DX for services.

[Attractive points of company/work]

- The products are widely used in many industries including the automotive and shipbuilding industries.

- The company has been steadily increasing its presence overseas as well, with major overseas aircraft manufacturers and other companies introducing its products.

- They are one of the few Japanese software companies with software that can compete overseas.

- This is a very challenging position because it is a fairly large system with a development period of more than one year, and you will be working in cooperation with an overseas developer.

[Job description]

This position is responsible for the development of functional enhancements to the Web-based PLM system used in the design and production engineering departments of a major manufacturing company, in order to incorporate and operate our system products.


- You will provide a wide range of services from requirement definition, quality control and construction to implementation, release, operation and maintenance of the extended part of their services.

- The PLM system developer is an overseas company, and the company is a major manufacturing company.

- The PLM system developer is often located overseas, so communication is mainly in English.

*They would like to entrust you with a leadership role in the future.

[Development environment]

- OS:RedHat Linux、Windows10

- DB:Oracle

- JavaEE Server:TomEE

- HTTP Server;Apache

- Development language:Java、Visual C++


- N2 level Japanese language skills

- At least 3 years of experience in system implementation and operation

- Interest in 3D technology

[Preferred requirements]

- Experience in implementing and operating web systems with thousands to tens of thousands of users.

- Intermediate level of English proficiency (TOEIC(R) test score 650 or above)

- Those who can find joy in seeing many users satisfied through system implementation and operation.


Employment Type: Permanent

Trial period: 3 months

Estimated annual income: ¥6M-¥10M

Work location: Tokyo (Approx. 3-4 days a week remote work)

Working hours: Flexible working hours (core hours: 10:00-15:00, flexible hours: 7:00-22:00)

Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays

Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available

Overtime: Average less than 30h/month

Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits

[About selection]

Number of applicants: A few

Documents required for application: resume, resume of work

Online interview: Available

Interview language: Japanese

Number of interviews (flow): 3 times, Document screening ⇒ 1st round interview (field leader, field employee) ⇒ Aptitude test (SPI) ⇒ 2nd round interview (general manager, HR) ⇒ Final interview (representative director) ⇒ Offer of employment

Application for overseas residents: Available

* May change depending on the situation of the candidate


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