All for the best recruitment
1. Support with hospitality
We have a meeting, listen to what kind of people you need carefully, and introduce candidates. Since the market holds too many jobs and smaller numbers of job seekers now in Japan, we advise you on what kind of recruitment, interviews, conditions, and recruitment methods are good to attract good candidates.
2. Global talents from all over the world
We introduce talented people from all over the world. We introduce those who have studied at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Waseda, Keio, National Universities or top universities overseas, and who have a solid understanding of Japanese culture and knowledge from their home countries. There are many people who are fluent in Japanese and we introduce those who want to live in Japan for a long time.
3. Job description to attract many candidates
We make job descriptions while giving advice on what points look attractive to candidates. Companies often cannot notice what points candidates care about. For example, details about job tasks are necessary to attract candidates. We help companies make good job descriptions.
4. Support for the visa
There are a lot of concerns, especially if you hire foreign nationals for the first time. The major difference from Japanese recruitment is change of the visa.
We also support change of the visa
Service Flow
1. Receive an inquiry from you.
2. Meeting to hear what kind of candidates you look for.
3. Make a job description to reach out lots of candidates
4. Recommend
candidates to you and set up the interviews.
5. Provide the offer to the candidate.
Please register here before you apply to the job position.
キャッシュレス決済市場においてのNo.1カンパニーを目指している企業で、クレジットカード事業を主力とする各種決済サービスだけではなく、リース事業・各種ファイナンス事業・不動産関連事業・デジタル事業などを展開しております。 また、アジア諸国の現地企業との合弁・提携により、ネットワークも広げています。
東京 | 正社員 | 400〜600万円
例、・リーダー育成研修 ・組織活性化制度 ・女性社員サポート制度 等
① 各種契約書や職務権限に基づいた迅速で適切な決裁の取得
② 現地で発生するあらゆる事象の関連部門との調整
③ 予実管理やモニタリング等、子会社の経営状況の管理把握とガバナンス機能として監督
④ 投融資先の管理、情報収集と調達ラウンド等に応じた適正な対応
・スキル :TOEIC700点~、※ビジネス英会話できると尚良し
・経 験 :経営企画・関連会社管理・リスク部門での業務3年以上
雇用形態 :正社員
試用期間 :6ヵ月間
想定年収 :400〜600万円(経験やスキルによりこちらの給与を下回る可能性も有)
昇級 :年1回
勤務地 :東京都
勤務時間 :1日実働7.5〜8時間
休日・休暇 :週休2日制(月8~13日、年間120日)、年次有給休暇、慶弔休暇など
福利厚生 :健康保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険、他福利厚生や諸制度有