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#1212【ファッションテック x 自社開発】バックエンドエンジニア

ファッション領域をITで進化させるWebサービスの企画、開発、提供及びWebサービスを活用したマーケティング、プロモーション、コンサルティングを提供されている企業様です。 簡単なアンケートに答えるだけで身体にぴったり合うサイズを表示してくれるWEBサービスなど、ECサイト上で洋服のフィッティングをサポートをはじめとする100%自社開発のプロダクトを手掛けておられます。

#1212【ファッションテック x 自社開発】バックエンドエンジニア
#1212【ファッションテック x 自社開発】バックエンドエンジニア





"English translation will follow after Japanese"






















▼ 開発環境

・開発言語: PHP, Typescript, Go

・環境: AWS, Linux

・フレームワーク: CakePHP

・データベース: RDS, DynamoDB

・ソースコード管理: github

・イシュー管理: backlog

・チャットツール: slack

・情報共有: backlog









・Linux, PHP, Typescript, Go, Python等いずれかのご経験がある方

・情報系の大学・大学院, 専門学校を卒業された方




雇用形態 :正社員or業務委託(3ヶ月)からのスタート

試用期間 :3ヵ月間

想定年収 :480万円〜780万円

勤務地  :東京

勤務時間 :10:00〜19:00 (コアタイム 11:00〜16:00 のフレックスタイム制、 月水金の週3日出社推奨としており、残り2日以上はリモート勤務可能)

休日   :完全週休2日(土・日)、祝祭日

休暇   :夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、Workation 制度(年1回利用可能)(Work + Vacation:就業時間中に連絡が取れればどこで働いても良く、旅行に行っても良しとする制度)、その他の休暇有

残業時間 :平均10時間/月

福利厚生 :社会保険完備、通勤手当(会社規定に沿う)、その他福利厚生有










[Company Profile]

This company plans, develops, and provides web services that evolve the fashion domain with IT, as well as marketing, promotion, and consulting services using web services.

They are involved in 100% self-developed products such as a web service that provides fitting support on e-commerce sites, including a web service that displays the best fitting size for your body by answering a simple questionnaire.

[Background of recruitment]

The number of companies using their recommendation engine product for apparel EC has exceeded 200, and the number of companies using the product is increasing steadily.

They are looking for new members who can work with us to develop and operate the service infrastructure for further business growth.

[Attractive points of company/work]

- Can develop their own products, which boast the top share in the market (they do not do contracted development)

- Can develop advanced technology using AI and big data (data that can only be handled by this company) that holds vast amounts of information on the human body, products, and purchases.

- High expectations for the future of the fashion tech market, not only for DX development but also for a new world of unmanned stores and metaverse

- Experience in SaaS product development and market creation

From requirement definition to development, this is an environment where you can test and challenge your will and technology without restraint!

[Job description]

They are looking for an experienced SaaS product developer to develop our own products that utilize AI and Big Data.

You will work with the planning team to define requirements, and be involved in the entire process from design to operation. 

After release, they will continuously improve UX by adding functions and improving performance to increase customer satisfaction.

[Details of the work]

- Work with the planning team to define system requirements

- Design, development, and testing based on requirements

- Task management in collaboration with various team members

- Mock and propose specifications during the planning phase of new functions and services

[Development Environment]

Development language: PHP, Typescript, Go

Environment: AWS, Linux

Framework: CakePHP

Database: RDS, DynamoDB

Source code management: github

Issue Management: backlog

Chat tool: slack

Information sharing: backlog


- Required Japanese language skills: N2

- Experience in development and operation of systems using RDB such as MySQL

- Experience in framework development

- Experience in developing systems using RDB such as MySQL

- Experience writing test code

- Experience in writing test code ・A comprehensive understanding of all technologies related to web services

[Preferred requirements]

- Experience in Linux, PHP, Typescript, Go, Python, etc.

- Graduated from an information-related university, graduate school, or technical college.

- Experience in web service development

- Knowledge of AWS and experience in its operation


Employment Type: Starting from regular Permanent employee or outsourcing (3 months)

Trial period: 3 months

Estimated annual income: ¥4.8M-¥7.8M

Work location: Tokyo

Working hours: Flextime (core time 11:00 - 16:00, 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday is recommended to come to the office, the remaining 2 days or more can be worked remotely)

Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays

Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year's vacation, Workation system (available once a year) (Work + Vacation: You can work anywhere and travel as long as you can be reached during working hours), other vacations available

Overtime: Average 10h/month

Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits

[About selection]

Number of applicants: a few

Documents required for application: resume, resume of work

Online interview: Available

Interview language: Japanese

Number of interviews (flow): 2 times; 1st interview (CEO, technical director) ⇨ 2nd interview (basically onsite interview) ⇨ Offer

Application for overseas residents: Available

* May change depending on the situation of the candidate


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