特徴1 親身なサポート
特徴2 優秀な登録者
特徴3 英語の求人作成
特徴4 ビザのサポート
1. お問い合わせ
2. ヒアリング
3. 求人票作成
4. 候補者のご紹介
5. 内定
#1210【在庫分析 SaaS】バックエンドエンジニア
【会社概要】 2012年創業、統計学やAIを用いたアプローチで在庫過多の問題を解決するSaaSプロダクトを開発しているベンチャー企業です。プロダクトは今後の売れ行き予測や購買動向分析などのサービスを備え、アパレルをはじめとする小売企業が、廃棄を前提とした多くの余剰在庫を抱えずともビジネスを維持していけるよう支援しています。在庫問題にアプローチすることで、「いらないものは作らない」という世の中を実現し、大量生産・大量廃棄、労働環境、環境汚染などの世界的問題の解決に貢献する企業として更なる成長を目指しています。
東京または大阪 | 正社員 | 600~800万円
*English follows Japanese
・客単価向上に貢献する商品のリストアップ など
・開発言語: Rust、Python
・ライブラリ・フレームワーク: actix-web、Juniper、embulk
・API通信: GraphQL
・DB: Aurora(PostgreSQL互換)、Redshift
・検索エンジン: Amazon Elasticsearch Service
・インフラ: Amazon Web Services
・AWS製品: EC2、ECS、S3、Redshift、Step Functions
・ツール: GitHub、Slack、CircleCI、Sentry
・静的型付け言語(Rust, GO, Scala, C++)を使った開発経験(独学可)
雇用形態 :正社員
試用期間 :3ヵ月間
想定年収 :600~800万円
勤務地 :東京または大阪 *選択可
勤務時間 :9:00~18:00 *月1回は出社日。それ以外は自由出社。
休日 :完全週休2日(土・日)、祝祭日
休暇 :夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、有給休暇、その他の休暇有
福利厚生 :社会保険完備、交通費全額支給、健康診断、その他福利厚生有
[Company Profile]
Founded in 2012, it is a venture company that develops SaaS products that solve the problem of excess inventory with an approach using statistics and AI. The product is equipped with services such as future sales forecasts and purchase trend analysis, and supports retail companies such as apparel to maintain their business without having to carry a lot of excess inventory that is supposed to be disposed of. By approaching the inventory problem, they aim to realize a world where companies don't make things which are not in need, and to grow further as a company that contributes to solving global problems such as mass production, mass disposal, labor environment, and environmental pollution.
[Attractive points of company/work]
It is a product that can provide a completely new solution to the inventory problem that has been neglected for decades as a fateful problem in the industry.
Since the service launch, they have received a lot of feedback, and the number of introductions is increasing rapidly.
<Example of product functions>
・Listing of products that can be sold properly, which will be useufl for controling discounts
・Automatic creation of charts of various indicators to check the health of the business
・Creating a list of products that will contribute to increasing the average spend per customer, etc.
[Job description]
You will be responsible for the following tasks related to their inventory analysis SaaS product (developed in-house).
・Data aggregation platform
・API with front-end (GraphQL)
・Development of new functions
・Development of new functions
・Responding to any problems that may occur.
■ Technology stack
Development languages: Rust, Python
Libraries and frameworks: actix-web, Juniper, embulk
API communication: GraphQL
DB: Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible), Redshift
Search engine: Amazon Elasticsearch Service
Infrastructure: Amazon Web Services
AWS products: EC2, ECS, S3, Redshift, Step Functions
Tools: GitHub, Slack, CircleCI, Sentry
・More than 3 years of development experience as a server-side engineer in web service or system development
・Experience in database development
・Experience with statically typed languages (Rust, GO, Scala, C++) (self-taught OK)
[Preferred requirements]
Experience in
・ GraphQL server development
・development using container technologies such as Docker
・development and operation of in-house services
・programming in multiple languages
・development using AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.
・system architecture design
・database design
・Scrum development
・development in Python
Employment Type: Permanent
Probation period: 3 month
Estimated annual income: ¥6M-8M
Work location: Tokyo or Osaka (You can choose)
Working hours: 9:00~18:00 *Remote work available / You need to go to the office at least once a month
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays
Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, paid leaves, and other vacations available
Benefits: Complete social insurance, transportation expense support, health check, and other benefits
[About selection]
Number of applicants: 1
Documents required for application: resume, resume of work
Online interview: Available
Interview language:Japanese
Number of interviews (flow):3 times
Application for overseas residents: Unavailable
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate