特徴1 親身なサポート
特徴2 優秀な登録者
特徴3 英語の求人作成
特徴4 ビザのサポート
1. お問い合わせ
2. ヒアリング
3. 求人票作成
4. 候補者のご紹介
5. 内定
【会社概要】 利用企業社数は6.5万社超、上場企業の50%以上が利用、サイトアクセス数は月間5,800万PVを超えるプレスリリース配信プラットフォームを運営する上場企業です。企業の広報担当だけでなく、報道関係者や生活者など、多岐にわたるユーザーに利用されています。「行動者発の情報が、人の心を揺さぶる時代へ」をミッションとし、誰もが発信することができ、また読み手として情報を楽しむことができると同時に社会的な情報インフラとして機能するプラットフォームを目指しています。2022年度中に英語圏、特にアメリカを中心としたグローバル事業展開も予定しています。
東京| 正社員 | 550〜750万円
*English follows Japanese
・言語(フロントエンド):HTML / CSS (Sass / SCSS) / TypeScript /JavaScript (React/Vue.js / jQuery)
・言語(バックエンド):PHP (Laravel) / Python / Ruby / Go
・インフラ:オンプレミス / AWS (EC2 / ECS / ECR / Fargate / RDS / CodePipline / Lambda, etc.) / Docker / Fastly
・データベース:MySQL / PostgreSQL / MongoDB / Elasticsearch / Redis
・CI / CD:CircleCI / CodeBuild / GitHub Actions
・開発手法:Agile (Scrum, etc.)
・OpenAPIなどをもちいたREST Api開発経験
雇用形態 :正社員
試用期間 :3ヵ月間
想定年収 :550〜750万円
勤務地 :東京都
勤務時間 :10:00~19:00 もしくは 9:00~18:00の選択制
休日 :完全週休2日制(土日・祝休み)
休暇 :年次有給休暇、その他休暇(GW、夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇)
福利厚生 :社会保険完備、交通費支給(5万円/月まで)、近隣居住手当、定期健康診断、産前産後休暇・育児休暇、その他福利厚生あり
面接回数(流れ): 書類選考→1次面接→2次面接→最終面接
This position is available only for people residing in Japan.
[Company profile]
It is a listed company that operates a press release distribution platform with more than 65,000 companies using it. More than 50% of listed companies are using it, and the number of site visits exceeds 58 million PV per month. It is used by a wide range of users, including not only corporate public relations personnel, but also journalists and consumers. With the mission of "Towards an era where information moves people's hearts", they create a platform that allows anyone to send information and enjoy information as a reader, while at the same time functioning as a social information infrastructure.
[Attractive points of company/work]
・Young members will also be in charge of selecting new technologies, designing infrastructure, and formulating frameworks.
・They are looking for a wide range of positions, whether you are a specialist who wants to gain practical experience or a generalist who wants to become a lead manager.
・PdM, designers, engineers, and QA engineers communicate on a daily basis and proceed from planning to implementation, so it is an environment where teams can develop while making use of their respective areas of expertise, not just their own professional skills. They also have regular cross-team engagements and knowledge sharing.
[Job description]
As a back-end engineer for the press release distribution service, you will be involved in web application development and service improvement. All engineers, including the CTO, communicate flatly on a daily basis, and it is an environment where they can freely request code reviews from each other.
・Design and development of all systems related to their services
・Improve services based on improvement plans drafted from within the company
・Routine refactoring
・Bug fixes
・Development and operation of tools for automating various operations such as deployment and infrastructure configuration changes
■Technical Stack
Languages (front-end): HTML / CSS (Sass / SCSS) / TypeScript / JavaScript (React/Vue.js / jQuery)
Languages (back-end): PHP (Laravel) / Python / Ruby / Go
Infrastructure: On-premise / AWS (EC2 / ECS / ECR / Fargate / RDS / CodePipline / Lambda, etc.) / Docker / Fastly
Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL / MongoDB / Elasticsearch / Redis
CI / CD: CircleCI / CodeBuild / GitHub Actions
Source code management: GitHub
Ticket management: Jira
Tools: Figma
Development method: Agile (Scrum, etc.)
・At least 2 years of experience in web application development using frameworks
(any type of framework)
・Database design
[Preferred requirements]
・Experience in unit test/E2E test
・Experience refactoring existing applications
・REST API development experience using OpenAPI etc.
・Performance tuning
・Experience with full-text search such as ElasticSearch
・Knowledge of AWS services
Employment Type: Permanent
Trial period: 3 months
Estimated annual income: ¥5.5M - ¥7.5M
Work location: Tokyo
Working hours: 10:00-19:00 or 9:00-18:00
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays
Vacation: Annual paid leave, other leave (GW, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, congratulatory or condolence leave)
Benefits: Social insurance, transportation expenses (up to 50,000 yen/month), neighborhood living allowance, regular health checkups, maternity leave, childcare leave, and other benefits
[About selection]
Number of applicants: a few
Documents required for application: resume, resume of work
Online interview: Available
Interview language: Japanese
Number of interviews (flow): 3 times
Application for overseas residents: Unavailable
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate